Thursday, October 19, 2017


10am-3pm at Bull Mountain
  • As always, this will be a fun, outdoor day, for ALL family members. 
  • Where: Meet in the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club parking lot.
  • What to wear:  Warm clothing, work gloves, rain gear (depending on the weather), hiking/work boots. A day-pack is handy for carrying your stuff.
  • Hand Tools: Round nose shovels for removing rocks, woody debris, cow paddies, etc. from the trails, clippers and hand-saws for removing branches encroaching on the trails, a splitting maul for splitting firewood.
  • Specialty/Power Equipment: If you own an ATV, we would appreciate it if you brought it; the trails are soft so we ask that people walk or ride an ATV. Vehicles (other than ATV’s) will not be allowed on the trails. We need people with chain-saws and brush saws for removing brush growing up on the trails. A weed whacker is probably too light. Please note if you are bringing a chain-saw or any power equipment our safety plan obliges volunteers to wear personal protective gear (a hard hat with ear and eye protection, gloves and work boots) and faller’s pants if you are running a chain-saw.
  • Cleaning Supplies: We will need our warming hut and outhouses cleaned and swept out.

Please let Sean Seabourne know if you are able to attend (and what tools you can bring), or give him a call if you have any questions.  250-398-9588

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